A neat way to switch git branches
When I work on repositories with many git branches I often forget the name of the branch I want to work on.
So I made a gbs
(git-branch-search) command in my zsh config!
# Fuzzy-find git branches and checkout afterwards.
gbs() {
# List all branches in current repository.
git branch -a |
# Fuzzy find them using fzf. Place the search-bar at the bottom and add a nice header.
# Render a preview of 'git log' for each branch with bat.
fzf --layout reverse-list --header="Select branch" \
--preview "echo {} | sed 's/ //g' | xargs git log | bat --color=always --theme=gruvbox-dark -p" |
# Finally checkout to the selected branch.
xargs git checkout
Here it is in action